Structure Chart

Each member school nominates one representative (Head Teacher / Chair of Governors) to attend member meetings. They are complemented by City Council representation from Cllr Cheryl Barnard, Bulwell Forest Ward Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Children, Young People and Schools.

The members have a number of key functions: signing off financial accounts and annual reports, developing, reviewing and monitoring the medium-term plan, and meeting termly to hold the Board of Directors to account.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors holds the CEO (responsible for the day to day management of the trust) to account. They have responsibility for the school improvement function and the business function within the Trust. The Chair has a key role in steering the work of the board.

The NST Board of Directors:

  • Lucy Dadge, Chief Commissioning Officer, Mid Nottinghamshire Commissioning Group (chair)
  • Gary Fullwood, School Improvement Advisor and former Head Teacher, Heathfield Primary (vice chair)
  • Mandy Austin, School Improvement Advisor and former Executive Headteacher, Fernwood Primary
  • Carol Norman OBE, School Improvement Advisor and former Head Teacher, Welbeck Primary
  • Peter Ware, Head of the Government and Infrastructure Team at Browne Jacobson LLP
  • Robert Kelsall, Senior Regional Officer National Association of Head Teachers
  • Rupert Boddington
  • Sarah Able
  • Rebecca Gittins, Head teacher, Welbeck Primary
  • Terry Smith, Head Teacher, Greenfields Community School
  • Rob Perkins, Head Teacher, The Milford Academy
Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer ensures the Trust maintains its strong moral purpose and organisational values of excellence, integrity, accountability and collaboration. As a priority, the CEO, together with school leaders, reviews data and feedback from the School Improvement Advisors to identify areas of best practice or potential risks within schools. The CEO then determines how to direct the resources from the trust in the most efficient and effective way.

The NST Governance document outlines the governance arrangements in more detail: