All staff in each of our schools have a responsibility for safeguarding; this means that they all need to have an awareness of health and safety, and the ability to identify and report concerns about students if they feel they are subject to abuse. Our schools will all:
- Attend the mandatory health and safety, equality and diversity and safeguarding training.
- Work with children to explore some of the subjects that are covered by safeguarding.
- Become familiar with their own school’s policies and procedures linked to safeguarding; including the safeguarding policy statement, email and internet policy and procedure, social media guidelines, data protection policy and procedures, safer recruitment procedures, incident reporting procedures, staff code of conduct and health and safety policy and procedures.
- Report any concerns about protection issues to their own school’s DSL/ADSL.
- Attend the LA DSL termly training events.
- Agree annual audit of individual case files in liaison with the allocated ADSL and the LA safeguarding team.
- Participate in LA multi agency safeguarding audits when required.
Further safeguarding documents can be found in the portal area for NST members.
Please see DSL information here.
Advanced Designated Safeguarding Lead information is available here.